Organizing Your Kitchen

Organizing Your Kitchen
Is the chaos of your kitchen getting the best of you? You’re not the only one. The kitchen is one of the most used places in a home, which is why it can easily get disorganized and messy. IN this article, our Magnolia housekeepers share a few tips for organizing your kitchen. Continue reading to get expert advice on organizing everything from your kitchen drawers, fridge to your pantry.
Spices & Cooking Utensils
Organizing your home is a delicacy. It requires planning and systems that will ensure that your space stays organized. When you begin to organize your kitchen, start at the stove. The cooking utensils should be organized based on if you’re right-handed or left-handed. For instance, if you’re right-handed, you’ll want to place the utensils to the right of the stove, in a drawer, or a utensil holder on the counter. If you’re left-handed, it goes to the left of the stove. Your cooking utensils may all have a place, but don’t get too far away from the stove—same rule of thumb for the spices. There are plenty of countertop spice racks if you don’t have space in a cabinet or drawer.
Cooking Equipment & Appliances
With efficiency in mind, our professional organizers recommend keeping your go-to cookware near the stove for easy access. Baking trays should also be held near the stove in the nearest storage area. If you have the cabinet space, we recommend only keeping the appliances you use on a daily basis on the counter. This could be a mixer, air fryer, toaster, etc. All the other kitchen appliances should be stored in cabinets. Our friends at Tureks Plumbing, a kitchen remodeling company, agree that this system will make your kitchen feel bigger than it is. The less clutter, the better!
Dishes & Silverware
Dishes, along with cookware and appliances, unquestionably take up the most room in the kitchen. When it comes to placement, do whatever makes sense. This can be tricky with limited cabinet space. However, if you do have space, try for the nearest cabinet by the fridge or microwave. Our house cleaners suggest having food storage containers in their own drawers. This will help eliminate clutter.
Pantry & Fridge
When it comes to your pantry and fridge, it’s important to have a well-thought-out system in place. Since food doesn’t stay good forever, you’ll have to clean out your fridge/pantry weekly. To make things more aesthetically pleasing, you can organize foods like flour, pasta, cereal in organizing containers. Use a labeler to label what the food item is and its expiration date. Next, organize your food based on category—for example, breakfast, baking, snacks, canned goods. The same goes for the refrigerator. You can organize drinks on one side of the fridge. Breakfast, meat, cheese, vegetables should all be grouped together. Read this article if you want to learn how to clean and organize your fridge.
Hire a Professional Organizer
The most common mistake our residential housekeepers see people make is not having a set location for everything. It can quickly turn into a mess, and there’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to find something in your own home! If you need help organizing your home, we suggest hiring a professional organizer. Contact Maid for Muddy Paws to learn more about our cleaning services in Magnolia, TX.