What to Clean When Kids Get Sick

What to Clean When Kids Get Sick
When someone in your household gets sick with the cold or flu, it’s important to keep everyone else safe under your roof. This may be easier said than done, particularly when you have children. Don’t worry. Our housekeepers in Cypress, TX, know how to stop germs from spreading. Follow the tips below on what to clean when kids get sick.
Target High Traffic Area
When deep cleaning your home, you’ll need to start off cleaning the high-traffic areas of your house. First of all, focus your efforts on the high-traffic areas of your house. Most house cleaning companies in Cypress, TX, agree that these areas are usually the kitchen and the bathroom. Focus on wiping down high-touched surfaces such as countertops, cabinet pulls, appliance handles, and doorknobs. The same goes for the bathroom. You’ll need to target the counters, fixtures, and doorknobs here as well.
Properly Disinfecting vs. Cleaning
Many homeowners are surprised to learn that there’s a difference between cleaning and disinfecting. We often clean with soap and water on a regular basis. However, when your child is sick, you’ll need to disinfect to kill the germs. So how do you do this? Bleach is commonly used to kill germs, and it’s approved by the CDC. However, our Cypress housekeepers urge you not to mix bleach with any cleaning products. Our friends at Tureks Plumbing, a plumber in Appleton, WI, says that germs love to live in the bathroom, so be sure to thoroughly disinfect the shower, floors, toilet – basically everything (while wearing gloves).
Wash Bedding & Blankets
One of the first things you should do when your child gets the cold or flu is to wash their bedsheets. Why? It’s something that they use every day. Make sure to wash the bedding and pillowcases in hot water. This will help kill the germs. You may want to do this while they’re sick and after they’ve overcome their cold. Any shared blankets should also be washed as well.
Protect Your Home Against Germs
During these uncertain times, the health and safety of your family are very important. We hope that the above tips on what to clean when kids get sick help you stop the cold from spreading. When everyone is back to good health, you can always contact Maid for Muddy Paws. We offer deep cleaning services, residential cleaning services, and commercial cleaning services in Magnolia, TX, and beyond. Some service areas we cover include Cypress, TX, Woodlands, TX, Montgomery, TX, Waller, TX, Willis, TX, and more. Give us a call today for an estimate on our cleaning services.