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New Year, Cleaner Home

new year cleaner home

New Year, Cleaner Home

As 2020 comes to a close, we can’t help but think about the year to come. If you’re anything like us, you set new goals and intentions for the New Year. Whether it’s health, fitness, career, or keeping your house clean, we all know how difficult it can be to stick to our new year’s resolutions. Our Maid for Muddy Paws team has a few practical cleaning tips and tricks to ensure that this New Year means a cleaner home. 

Establish a Cleaning Schedule

Our lives seem to get busier and busier as the years go on, which is why it is crucial for every Waller, TX homeowner to follow a cleaning schedule. Trust us. It’ll make your lives so much easier. Most professional cleaning companies suggest dividing up important tasks such as washing, changing bedding, sweeping floors, cleaning showers to a weekly cleaning schedule. To ensure that your home stays clean, your household should clear dishes, declutter, and remove the trash on a daily basis. 

Make Cleaning Easier 

Pro tip: Stash cleaning equipment all over your house. Don’t get us wrong, an organized and completely stocked cleaning closet is a beautiful thing, but it doesn’t hurt to add the must-haves across the house. Each bathroom should have its own toilet brush and toilet cleaner, as well as disposable cleaning cloths for quick wiping. If you live on more than one floor, make sure each level has the basics: garbage bags, a cleaner, and a broom. When you are fully equipped, you’re less likely to put off cleaning up messes. 

Declutter Common Areas

Every house has one room where clutter is inevitable. Whether it be the kitchen, entranceway, or living room. To avoid clutter, our Waller, TX housekeepers suggest that you add baskets for keys or hooks for bags. The more organizing systems you have in place, the better. For example, create a rule to put your shoes away as soon as someone steps inside. When you get used to keeping common areas tidy, you’ll note how much better your home looks. As a professional organizer, we recommend following these budget-friendly organizing tips. 

Clean As You’re Cooking

Kitchens get a lot of foot traffic on a daily basis. Therefore, they’re one of the messiest places in the house. As open concept homes become more common, the mess is on display 24/7. Instead of dining out or telling you to skip the mess, clean up as you go. There’s nothing more unappealing than having to clean a mountain of dishes after cooking a delicious meal. Cleaning as you cook is essential during the holidays or while hosting. Cleaning the kitchen shouldn’t be a task for one person, so give everyone a task to help speed up the process. 

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Completing small jobs daily is essential to keeping your home clean. So why not make these simple tasks even easier? Our friends at Headwaters Construction Inc., a NorCal commercial builder, go by the saying, work smarter, not harder. Efficiency is key to success, and in today’s world, time is money. Housekeepers in Waller, TX, recommend putting extra trash bags in the bottom of the bin so that a new one is always ready. Push yourself to fold the laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer. Make your bed the moment you get out of it. Following these small tips will make your life so much easier, and it’ll ensure that your house stays clean.

Now you’re set for a new year, cleaner home. If you need extra support, you can always contact Maid for Muddy Paws. We provide five-star residential cleaning services as well as commercial cleaning services, dog grooming services, and moving cleaning services in Waller, TX. We’re here to help! Contact our cleaning company today to learn how we can serve you.